Confessions of a Moo

Aimless Ramblings of a Distracted Mind..

Saturday, January 07, 2006

More than ten people a year are killed by vending machines.

110 lbs ... exam binge eating, combined with christmas vacation weight... hoping to lose all the excess within ten days..

Aimless Ramblings:
First of all.. happy new year, everyone! Here's hoping that 2006 will prove to be a happy, healthy and successful one for all of us..

I got back from vacation yesterday, and I'm ridiculously jetlagged... I fell asleep at about 7pm, and woke up at about 1:30am this morning, and have been up ever since.. I managed to get a bunch of laundry done, and repacked everything to move back to university tomorrow.. so at least it was productive.. I also got started on updating my resume, so that I can begin firing off the letters as soon as possible in the quest for a job... scary to think that i'll be graduating in a few months, and that soon i'll have to be out there, in the real world. scary.. but at the same time, more than a little exciting.

I'm in a lousy mood today... rather than being relaxing, my vacation was quite a stressful one.. the first half was occupied with being plunged into the midst of a major soap opera style emotional crisis, and the second half had us in the aftermath of a random terrorist attack that left a family member severely wounded.. on top of that, the entire three week period was punctuated by repeated stabs by my father on his opinion of everything from my weight to my eventual failure in life should i choose to spend any time searching for something that makes me truly happy. let's face it, he probably expects that i'll fail regardless, and eventually come running back to him begging for help. i won't.

so right now, i want to yell, and throw things, and hurt someone, but also just curl up, and cuddle, and cry, and be held on to while someone reassures me that im going to be okay.

tomorrow. at tara. (well... leggett, not tara)

Mood Tracker: