Confessions of a Moo

Aimless Ramblings of a Distracted Mind..

Thursday, July 29, 2004

Yummy smells

  • Leather
  • Cigarette Smoke
  • Winter

Shak is going to pitch an idea to Calvin Klein: "Smoked Leather".. part of the "Aphrodisiac" collection.


If you know any eligible men who smell like that naturally, I want to meet them!!!


and shak, you make me SO happy. you also make me look like an idiot, at work, grinning like a moron at my computer monitor. but i love you anyway!

Tuesday, July 27, 2004

Death to Penguins!


*Happy Dance*

Your Love Is...

Your love is... by ChibiMarronchan
Your name is...
Your kiss is...breath taking
Your hugs are...warm
Your eyes...twinkle in the moonlight
Your touch is...awakening my heart
Your smell is...amazing
Your smile is...entrancing
Your love is...eternal
Quiz created with MemeGen!

my touch is awakening WHO's heart?!?!

Monday, July 26, 2004

omg... dirty, horrible, inappropriate, scary thought.

GET IT OUT!!! aaaghhh!

Did someone turn on a vacuum cleaner? Oh no, that's just Shrad sucking up...

Dr Lobb,

I was a student in your Modern British Literature class this past year. Yesterday, I saw the extended production of Man and Superman at the Shaw Festival, which included the 'Don Juan in Hell' scene.

I thoroughly enjoyed the production, and I know that my appreciation was all the greater because of the time spent discussing the play in your class.

I just wanted to thank you for a fantastic year. We covered so much amazing literature in your class, and it's such a pleasure to have the enjoyment of the material carried through into my non-academic experiences.

Have a good summer!


this makes me smile, even though im blue.

Sunday, July 25, 2004

meaniepoo: i miss you!

Friday, July 23, 2004

alex is ignoring me.

he is a meaniepoo.

oooh... never noticed this before..

i love new blogger! yay for COLOURS!
oooh... and Variable text Sizes! Coooool!!

Tee Hee

**Disclaimer: This is not to be taken as being representative of my political views. It just made me laugh.

his and hers

bridget style inspiration, and amusement for all of us who have been (or currently are) there. here's to dieters everywhere.

10 Curses

Thou bootless pox-marked codpiece!
Thou pernicious tickle-brained baggage!
Thou villainous milk-livered mammet!
Thou spongy plume-plucked harpy!
Thou gleeking beetle-headed codpiece!
Thou venomed plume-plucked malignancy!
Thou distempered clapper-clawed crutch!
Thou gnarling base-court vassal!
Thou wanton dog-hearted gudgeon!
Thou mangled unchin-snouted miscreant!

gmail is down. the vending machine is empty. im absolutely exhausted, and i DONT wanna go to this thing tonight. gah..

yes. cranky and whiny and feeling two.

i wanna go hoooooooome! 

Monday, July 19, 2004

hurrah for hours upon hours  of pointless, trivial entertainment.

Monday, July 12, 2004

tick, tock, tick, tock...

two decades. im officially over the hill, and i have now begun the descent into senility and decrepitness. hurrah.

(ps: im back!)