Confessions of a Moo

Aimless Ramblings of a Distracted Mind..

Wednesday, March 10, 2004

academia is evil..

i resolutely stand by my theory that all profs are conspiring to drive their students to meltdowns, by making them so overwhelmed that they all collapse of exhaustion, cluttering up emergency rooms all over kingston... (all two of them..) so that they (the profs) will no longer have any students to teach, for the remainder of the academic year, therefore no prep time required.. but will they continue to be paid, for coming in to "lectures" and whiling away their hours playing free-cell and minesweeper.

i dont understand macroeconomics at all. it's interesting, but i just dont get it. maybe if i went to class once in a while.. or read the textbook.

went in to see a learning strategies counsellor today. see jane talk. i did. and she talked a lot of sense.. not as much as i would have liked, seeing as how most of the forty five minutes consisted of me talking.. but still, 'twas helpful. she gave me several tips about how to study and work more effectively, and more efficiently. step number one: get out of the house.. get away from the TV, and the laptop (or at least the internet) and go to a place where i can focus, without being surrounded by countless distractions. so.. off to the library i go.

it's such a pretty day today. spring is finally here, it seems. hoorah! bring out the cute little summery outfits! wooooohooooo!!

alright, alright.. im going.. just gonna grab my macro textbook, and then get this show on the road.. must get myself a cup of coffee too.. need money to do that.. okay, so here's the plan: go to JDUC, withdraw some cash (a still owes me ~30.. and t owes me 16.. hmm) pop over to tim's, get a medium double double, go to stauffer, and work for two hours, before meeting up with wnd.. maybe i should take my stats assignment, too.. to give me quelque chose a faire, in case i finish the macro assignment before our designated meeting time. hmm.

okay, okay.. im gone.


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