Confessions of a Moo

Aimless Ramblings of a Distracted Mind..

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

The average ear of corn has eight-hundred kernels arranged in sixteen rows.

105.6 lbs ... MUST do something about that. Perhaps less time online, more time on treadmill..

Few handsful of popcorn.. there's a cob of corn in the fridge, leftover from dinner last night.. i think i'll eat that once I've finished blogging.. but first I'll need to count the rows, and number of kernels.

Aimless Ramblings:
So, I havent been posting a whole lot of late.. and when I have posted, the entries have been angsty and sad.. reflective of my mood at the time, of course, but not necessarily indicative of my summer thus far.

The big news, I suppose, is that I got a job. Hurrah for employment. The terms of the contract arent stellar.. but if I factor in bonuses, they're decent enough. Especially considering my lack of qualification... and it should be a great experience in terms of learning and stuff. My dad's being kind of a jerk about it.. he thinks I should hold out for better paying positions.. but a) i have no guarantee that i'll GET those positions; b) i want to do a job that i'll enjoy.. not something that will make me want to cry myself to sleep every night.. regardless of the salary. Anyway, I start Monday, and I'm quite looking forward to it.

The other thing is that YETI is well underway. It really does seem to be coming along nicely. We were all very enthusiastic and gung-ho at first, and then we lost steam for a bit, but things are picking up again to a reasonable pace and I'm quite optimistic. I am meeting this evening with a gentleman who seems to be very interested in getting involved..

In other news... Stratford and Shaw entertainment has been quite good this year. With the notable exception of "The Duchess of Malfi" this past weekend. Apart from an incredibly adorable kid playing the son, the production was pretty lousy. Gratuitous nudity, and unnecessary darkness.. not at all up to Stratford standards. The house is coming together nicely.. backyard looking quite good.. basement is lovely (though still only semi-furnished, as we try to decide how to go about setting things up.. i'm voting for a "rustic" rec room, and a sleek, modern looking "family" room)

Now that things are finally settling down, I am looking forward to spending some quality time with friends, catching up with all the wonderful people here in toronto that are so important to me... this means you. let's do lunch or something, soon.

Mood Tracker:


At June 21, 2006 11:32 p.m., Blogger Smallfat said...

NB: I counted. There ARE 16 rows. Didnt count the kernels though.. too hungry for that. Perhaps next time.

At June 22, 2006 7:00 p.m., Blogger XRaVeNX said...

you actually counted?!

At July 14, 2006 2:22 a.m., Blogger XRaVeNX said...

Happy Belated Birthday


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