Confessions of a Moo

Aimless Ramblings of a Distracted Mind..

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Money isn't made out of paper, it's made out of cotton.
(So your parents were right: Money DOESN'T grow on trees. It grows on a shrub)

103 lbs

Mini-bag of Doritos
Baby Carrots
Egg Salad on a Tortilla

Aimless Ramblings:
I'm pretty environmentally unfriendly. I don't have any objections to genetic modification, or pesticides, and I think people who insist on eating only organic foods are stupid. (Well, I don't think THEY are stupid.. I think it's a stupid thing to obsess about.) I don't really care about global warming. I think feminism is ridiculous. Generally, I don't support any type of aggressive activism.

Now, when I said this to Adrian, he was pretty horrified, and took it as evidence of my complete and utter self-involvement. I don't think that this is the case. I mean.. Yes, perhaps I am a little self-centred. But I think that people make themselves miserable by worrying about the future, rather than living in the present.

For example, I am a paper person. I like to have things printed out, rather than trying to read and edit on a computer screen. And sometimes, this requires multiple pages being printed multiple times. Some would say that this is a "waste" of paper. I disagree. I am USING this paper. It is therefore not a waste.

And I happen to like beautiful, shiny apples, with no spots on them. If that means pesticides to keep bugs away, and chemicals added to make them big and juicy (the apples, that is, not the bugs) then so be it. What's the point of science if not to enhance our lives? After all, we have no objections to scientific advances when they are directed towards ameliorating our own lives. Medications; transplants; surgical procedures.. all of these things help us to live longer than we would if left solely to our own devices. They use artificial methods to make our lives better. So if it's good for people, why is it considered negative for other things?

One might argue that there's nothing wrong with pumping foods full of chemicals, and that the problem is our ingesting these unhealthy things. I suppose that's a reasonable argument. But, as most people who know me can attest to, I am not at all a healthy person. Eventually, we're going to die anyway. Why spend the (longer than before, but nonetheless) short time you have counting calories? Why not drink that entirely artificial fruit flavoured sugar beverage, if that's what you want? If you want that supersized fries, go for it.

I think that my main concern is the idea of "taking a stand." I dont think that one can ever resolve that there is a "right" or "wrong" way to behave. I think that morality is a personal thing that varies with time, and experience. There are no absolutes in life. It isn't "right" to kill someone, but it isnt "wrong" if the person is threatening to harm another person. Take the issue of abortion. I am absolutely pro-choice. Not because I think that it is alright to terminate a pregnancy. I am pro-CHOICE. I feel that it is a decision that is an independent one, based on numerous factors, and that there is no way that a society can make a broad sweeping statement about the morality of such a situation.

I don't feel that society SHOULD do anything. A society is only as good as the individuals that it is comprised of. And as Adam Smith observed, individuals conduct themselves out of self-interested motivations. These self-serving individuals collectively form a society that is directed towards a state of moral, sociological as well as economic equilibrium. As long as each of us does makes the decision that is "right" for us at the time, whether it is printing that second draft of an essay, or eating that genetically modified grapefruit, or aborting an unwanted child, we can be assured that we will progress, as a society, towards a utilitarian state.

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